The White Paladin Opines
about pretty much anything that is on my mind or that I find interesting. I'm a teacher, writer, bookseller, fan of crime fiction, film noir, Texas Tech athletics, history and economics and have very strong opinions on politics.

On these subjects and more - opinion pieces, links to articles, pictures, or videos.

Hope you enjoy.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Virtual Lubbock: Why does Lubbock have such an unusual amount of artistic talent?

I have been known to literally lose whole afternoons on this website, Virtual Lubbock. Chris Oglesby has written a book (Fire in the Water, Earth in the Air: Legends of West Texas Music) about art scene, particularly the music scene, that exists in the Lubbock area, including interviews with many of the legends of "The Lubbock Sound."
Check it out, but only if you have a lot of time on your hands.

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