The White Paladin Opines
about pretty much anything that is on my mind or that I find interesting. I'm a teacher, writer, bookseller, fan of crime fiction, film noir, Texas Tech athletics, history and economics and have very strong opinions on politics.

On these subjects and more - opinion pieces, links to articles, pictures, or videos.

Hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The White Paladin Opines about

pretty much anything that is on my mind or that I find interesting. I'm a writer and bookseller. I'm a big fan of crime fiction, film noir, Texas Tech athletics, and I love books. I am also interested in history and economics and as a result I have very strong opinions on politics.

I am, as the late Milton Friedman said, a libertarian with a little l and a Republican with a Big R. What this means is though I don't always agree with the Republican party, I do believe it is more closely aligned with my beliefs in the areas that matter the most. I also don' t always agree with the Libertarian party platform and though I read some libertarian blogs and newsletters on occasion I think supporting the Libertarian party is not really productive in the big picture, at least not at this point in history.

These are some of the many things I'll post about. Sometimes I may write an opinion piece, sometimes I will just link to articles I have read somewhere else, and when I do this I'll usually give my thoughts on it. And sometimes I'll just link to something that I read and enjoyed.

Hope you enjoy reading my blog.

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